Clinic Oral Surgery FeesSend An Enquiry

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery Consultation £118.50
Small Radiograph and Report £25.50
Panoramic Radiograph and Report £108
Cone Beam CT Scan £361.50
Routine Removal of Tooth or Root(s) £220
Complex or Surgical Removal of Tooth or Root(s) £532
Case of High Difficulty Involving Removal of Tooth or Root(s) £683.50
Other Dento-Alveolar Surgery £[on assessment]
Soft Tissue Surgery with Biopsy and Follow-up £508
Soft Tissue Surgery without Biopsy £392
Urgent Referral Fee (within 48 hours) £154

Oral Medicine

Oral Medicine Consultation and Management with Follow-up £380
TMJ Assessment and Advice £380
Urgent Referral Fee (within 48 hours £154


Pre-sedation Assessment £118.50
Routine IV Sedation £476.50
IV Sedation for Single-Arch Chrome GuidedSMILE Implant Surgery £800
IV Sedation for Dual-Arch Chrome GuidedSMILE Implant Surgery £1600

These fees are intended as a guide only and may vary according to clinical need. All patients will receive a full estimate of their costs prior to the commencement of treatment.

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